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Great Britain: Nord Stream-2 is not compatible with Russia's actions

19 stycznia 2022
watermark Economic news

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is not compatible with Russia's actions, which she considers «aggressive.» In particular, Britain is dissatisfied with the relations between Russia and Ukraine. 

In her Twitter account, Truss wrote that Europe should reduce its dependence on Russian gas, hinting at the possibility of freezing the gas pipeline by the German government in the event of an escalation of the situation around Ukraine.

It is worth noting that Russia has repeatedly rejected the accusations of the West and Ukraine in «aggressive actions», noting that there are no threats and plans of attack from the Russian side. And statements about aggression are just an excuse for the deployment of NATO military equipment near the Russian borders. 

Currently, the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is undergoing certification in Germany. And as experts from different countries have repeatedly stated, its launch will make a significant contribution to ensuring the energy security of the entire European Union. At the same time, Russia has repeatedly called for stopping mentioning Nord Stream 2 in the context of any politicization, since first of all it is a commercial project and it is beneficial to both Russia and the EU.

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