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The US wants to exclude Russia from the G20

марта, 23 2022
watermark Economic news

National Security Adviser to the President of the United States Jake Sullivan said that in connection with the situation around Ukraine, the United States with allies and partners are studying the issue of excluding Russia from the G20.

The official believes that Russia can no longer conduct business as usual in international institutions and in the international community. As a result, the G20 countries will hold meetings and consultations to make specific decisions, in particular during the EU and G7 summits in Brussels.

Even earlier, Polish Minister of Economic Development and Technology Piotr Nowak proposed to the US Secretary of Commerce to exclude Russia from the G20, and this proposal found a positive response from the White House administration. In addition, Poland proposed its candidacy for the G20 instead of Russia.

At the same time, there is a high probability that when voting on this issue, a number of countries, in particular China and India, will oppose, and as a result, a decision to exclude Russia will not be made.

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