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US stock indexes rise significantly on Tuesday

апреля, 12 2022
watermark Economic news

According to trading data, US stock indexes are rising on Tuesday after the publication of data on the record growth rates of consumer prices in the United States for 40 years.

Thus, the Dow Jones industrial index grew by 0.86%, to 34,602.86 points, the NASDAQ high–tech index – by 1.056%, to 13,621.12 points, the S&P 500 broad market index – by 1.04%, to 4,457.71 points.

The stock market was supported by data on consumer prices in the country. In particular, annual inflation in the United States accelerated to the highest since December 1981 at 8.5% by the end of March. A month earlier, inflation was fixed at 7.9%. On a monthly basis, consumer prices rose by 1.2%.

At the same time, market analysts believe that in a situation with inflation, indicators no longer matter, since the rapid rise in prices in the country will continue anyway. Now more important for investors are the questions of how soon inflation will slow down and what impact the US Federal Reserve's measures to reduce prices will have on the economy.

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