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Consumer prices in France rises the highest rate since 1985

мая, 13 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the final data of the National Statistical Office Insee, consumer prices in France in April rose by 5.4% in annual terms, that is, the highest rate since the beginning of the calculation of this indicator. The March indicator was fixed at 5.1%.

The indicator coincided with the previously announced data and experts' forecasts.

On a monthly basis, inflation in France rose by 0.5% (+1.6% in March), which also coincided with preliminary data and analysts' forecasts.

French consumer prices rose 4.8% year-on-year in April (a record pace since October 1985) and 0.4% month-on-month. In March, the rise was 4.5% and 1.4%, respectively.

Energy carriers rose in price most of all in the country - their prices rose by 26.5% y/y (March figure - 29.2%). The cost of food in April rose by 3.8% (+2.9% in March), industrial goods rose by 2.6% (+2.1%), services by 3% (+2.3%).

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