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Economists predict the collapse of thousands of digital currencies

июня, 03 2022
watermark Economic news

The cryptocurrency market today has more than 19 thousand cryptocurrencies and dozens of blockchain platforms, however, a number of cryptocurrency firms suggest that in the coming years many digital tokens will collapse, and the number of blockchains will decrease. Experts predict that in the future there will be only dozens of cryptocurrencies. 

Universal attention to the vulnerability of cryptocurrencies was attracted by the recent collapse of the so-called algorithmic stablecoin Terra USD and the associated digital token Luna. The fall of Luna shocked the market, after which many economists began to think more and more about the future and viability of digital currencies.

Web3 Foundation CEO Bertrand Perez drew a parallel between cryptocurrencies and «dotcoms». He believes that the collapse of Terra was one of the consequences of too many blockchains and tokens on the market, which confuses users and involves some risks for them. 

Just like at the beginning of the Internet era, when too many «dotcom companies» appeared, many of them were fraudulent and did not bring any value. However, over time, the market «cleared» of them, leaving only useful and legitimate companies. Today, the situation in the crypto market is repeating itself, and many experts agree that most of the cryptomonets will no longer exist in the future. The only question is which ones will stay afloat. A number of analysts believe that only bitcoin and Ethereum will survive. 

Currently, the market continues to be under pressure. Bitcoin has fallen by more than 50% compared to its all-time high reached in November ($67,789). The current BTC quote is $30,416. Many other digital currencies have also seriously fallen in price compared to historical peaks.

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