Goldman Sachs: oil will rise to $140 this summer

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Goldman Sachs: oil will rise to $140 this summer

июня, 28 2022
watermark Economic news

Experts from one of the world's largest investment banks, Goldman Sachs, predict that this summer the oil market may once again demonstrate a rapid rally. According to the bank, the recent decline in commodity prices was not due to any fundamental factors and it is still likely that oil prices will rise to the level of $ 140 per barrel.

Analysts note that such a «bullish» forecast is based on the principle of underinvestment of the energy sector. The recent decline in oil prices is an opportunity to buy, and insufficient investment is a driver of the growth of oil prices. 

«The situation in the energy space is now incredibly optimistic, and the risk of higher prices for oil and petroleum products is now extremely high,» said Jeff Curry, head of Goldman's commodity research department.

The current quotation of Brent crude oil is $113.05 per barrel. Since the beginning of the year, black gold has risen in price by 50%, since the beginning of Russia's special operation in Ukraine turned the situation on the world market. However, as the global economy recovers, the cost of a barrel will again approach historical levels.

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