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Indonesia noted rapid GDP growth due to the G20 presidency

ноября, 09 2022
watermark Economic news

According to the National Ministry of Economy of Indonesia, the country's chairmanship in the G20 summit attracted 7.6 trillion rupees (about $480 million) to Indonesia's GDP.

The Minister of Economy of Indonesia noted that the holding of the G20 meeting will have extremely positive consequences for the country. In particular, thanks to all the planned events and meetings (a total of 438 events will be held in 25 cities) The country's GDP has been replenished by a huge amount. 

In addition to the direct events of the G20 forum itself, an increase in the tourist flow from 1.8 to 3.8 million people also contributed to the Indonesian economy. Also, up to 700 thousand new jobs have appeared in the country.

The culmination of a series of meetings of the G20 countries will take place on November 15-16, 2022 on the island of Bali.

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