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Wind generation in Europe keeps at annual highs

января, 02 2023
watermark Economic news

According to the Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE) and the European wind energy association Wind Europe, European companies continue to pump more «blue fuel» into underground gas storage facilities than they take from them. At the same time, the volume of electricity generation at wind farms in the region is at annual highs, exceeding 30% of the total volume for the third day.

As of the morning of December 31, 2022, gas storage facilities in Europe are filled by 83.26%, which is 0.04% more than on the previous day. The total volume of gas in the UGS of the eurozone is about 90.5 billion cubic meters of gas.

Over the past week, European countries have switched to net gas extraction for only one day. This was due to the return of warm weather to Europe and increased electricity generation from wind: energy production by wind farms on Saturday amounted to 34.4% of the total. This has become one of the highest figures for the year.

In general, electricity generation from wind in the European Union in 2022 averaged 15.11% of the total volume.

The volume of wind generation in Europe affects gas consumption and its exchange value. On the first trading day of the new year, the cost of gas in Europe decreased to the levels of February 2022 – $777.3 per thousand cubic meters.

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