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Why does OpenAI not seek to enter the stock exchange?

июня, 09 2023
watermark Economic news

CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman, announced the company's unwillingness to enter the public market. He explained this decision by the desire to maintain full control over the technology of the artificial intelligence startup.

Altman noted that such a decision may be non-trivial, since in the future the development of ChatGPT may lead to decisions that will surprise investors in the open market. «When we develop superintelligence, we will probably make some decisions that investors in the open market will regard very strangely,» Altman said.

CEO also noted that OpenAI is in no hurry to raise more capital on the public market, despite Microsoft's investment plan of $10 billion, as well as the previous investment of $1 billion in 2019. To date, OpenAI is valued at $29 billion compared to $14 billion in 2021.

After introducing ChatGPT in November, the company has already released an improved GPT-4 model in March, which features a more creative and unbiased approach compared to previous versions.

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