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Experts recommend investors to bet on risky stocks

августа, 15 2023
watermark Economic news

Analysts from Bank of America argue that at the initial stage of market growth, investors should buy risky stocks. Experts have increased the value of stocks in the discretionary consumer goods sector, and lowered the value of stocks of essential goods.

Among the best stocks in the discretionary sector, analysts singled out Amazon, Tesla and Home Depot, while Procter is leading in the essential goods sector & Gamble, PepsiCo and Costco.

Bank of America cites 7 Main Reasons Motivating investing in High-risk stocks:

  • A «soft landing» of the economy is expected. This forecast is based on signals confirming the stability of the US economy: positive GDP dynamics, stable costs of companies and an increase in the number of vacancies.

  • Active funds in the discretionary goods sector have reached record lows (both funds with long positions and hedge funds).

  • The BofA indicator, describing the 4 phases of economic growth, indicates the beginning of a new growth cycle, where discretionary goods, as a rule, show growth, and basic consumer goods lag behind.

  • After a decline in profits in the second quarter, manufacturers of discretionary goods are now seeing growth. Consensus estimates for discretionary goods have finally started to catch up with mainstream consumer goods, indicating an improved consumer outlook.

  • The growth in the housing construction sector in the US has a positive impact on discretionary goods, as these two sectors are closely linked.

  • Real wages began to rise, which historically favored the growth of demand for discretionary goods.

  • Concerns about consumer activity due to accumulated savings during the pandemic are exaggerated, since it was these savings that allowed consumers to save their funds in the face of inflation.

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