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China is rapidly displacing Germany in the EU markets

августа, 16 2023
watermark Economic news

Chinese manufacturers are strengthening their positions in the EU market, outpacing German companies, especially in high-tech industries, where Germany has historically dominated.

Recent data from the IW analytical center showed that over the past two years, the share of Chinese imports in certain EU sectors has grown as rapidly as in the previous decade. Analysts warn that this could pose a threat to German economic activity.

It is worth noting that Germany recently entered a recession after several years of growth, mainly due to the problems faced by its main exporters – disruptions in supply chains, inflation and an increase in energy prices.

Germany's difficulties due to high energy prices began after the cessation of Russian gas imports, which weakens industries such as the chemical industry. Moreover, rising energy prices are putting pressure on car exports, while Chinese electric car brands are increasingly entering the European market.

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