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Biden will approve the project on financing without assistance to Ukraine and Israel

ноября, 15 2023
watermark Economic news

US President Joe Biden announced his readiness to sign a bill on financing the work of the US government, passed by the House of Representatives, subject to its approval by the Senate, in order to avoid a shutdown.

According to the bill, some departments will be funded until January 19, 2024, and the other part – until February 2. At the same time, the project does not provide financial assistance to Ukraine and Israel.

The document has already received the support of the majority of congressmen: 336 members of the House of Representatives voted for its adoption, 95 opposed it. Earlier, this two-stage project of temporary financing of the government, excluding assistance to Ukraine and Israel, was submitted for consideration by the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Michael Johnson.

Johnson's bill includes an extension of funding for various government programs, including military construction, transportation, urban development, agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration, veterans benefits, as well as energy and water projects until January 19. Funding for other federal operations, including defense, ends on February 2.

Soon, the bill will be sent to the Senate, and after approval, it will be signed by President Joe Biden. In case of late approval and signing of the bill, a partial shutdown of the federal government is possible from November 18.

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