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Indices of economic expectations in Germany and the eurozone rose to multi-month highs

декабря, 12 2023
watermark Economic news

The index of economic expectations of investors and analysts in Germany for the next six months, calculated by the ZEW research Institute, has reached a new high since March. 

In December, the index was 12.8 points, compared with 9.8 points in November. Experts on average expected this indicator to decrease to 8.8 points, but it showed positive dynamics.

The indicator of attitude to the current economic situation in Germany also improved, rising to -77.1 points in December from -79.8 points in the previous month.

In the eurozone, the index of economic expectations also increased significantly in December, reaching 23 points, which is the best indicator in the last 10 months. In November, this figure was 13.8 points, and analysts expected it to decrease to 11.2 points.

However, the indicator for assessing the current economic situation in the eurozone decreased slightly by 0.9 points, amounting to -62.7 points.

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