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Argentina rejected the invitation to join BRICS

декабря, 29 2023
watermark Economic news

Argentine President Javier Miley has sent official letters to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping rejecting the invitation to join the BRICS.

It is also noted that Miley informed Brazilian President Lula da Silva, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and South African leader Cyril Ramaphosa of his decision.

In his letters, Miley noted that some decisions taken by the previous government will be reviewed. Among them is the creation of a specialized unit for the country's active participation in the BRICS. 

Argentine President Javier Miley, who came to power earlier this year, opposed the country's accession to the BRICS during the election campaign. At the end of November, Diana Mondino, who at that time was to take over the post of foreign Minister, said that Argentina would not join the BRICS because it could not make a contribution to join the New BRICS Development Bank.

Argentina, along with Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, was invited to join the alliance on January 1, 2024.

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