China imposed sanctions against a number of US organizations

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China imposed sanctions against a number of US organizations

декабря, 02 2019
watermark Economic news

According to a statement by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese authorities imposed sanctions on US non-governmental organizations for «supporting extremist activities» in Hong Kong.

The sanctions affected Human Rights Watch (HRW), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, and Freedom House. The Chinese authorities also decided to suspend the review of requests by US military ships and aircraft to visit Hong Kong.

The MFA explained that the reason for the sanctions was the US-approved law on the protection of human rights and democracy in Hong Kong. China took this as a serious violation of international law and interference in the internal affairs of China.

Recall that the protests in Hong Kong began in late March due to dissatisfaction of residents with the draft law on extradition to China. After the revocation of the bill the demonstrations did not stop. US President Donald Trump signed two bills in support of protesters in Hong Kong on November 27, despite Beijing’s repeated objections.

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