China and US negotiate ahead of new round of tariffs

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China and US negotiate ahead of new round of tariffs

декабря, 12 2019
watermark Economic news

The Chinese Ministry of Commerce said today that Beijing and Washington are in close contact on a further trade agreement. At the same time, the Ministry declined to comment on possible retaliatory steps if the United States imposes additional tariffs on imports from China this week.

On Sunday, December 15, the US is due to introduce new fees for almost $160 billion of Chinese imports, including video game consoles, computer monitors and toys. Today US President D. Trump intends to meet with top trade advisers to discuss this step. If a decision to impose tariffs is nevertheless made, it could disrupt US-China talks to end the 17-month-long trade war between the world's two largest economies.

The future of today’s discussions is not yet known, however, in the case of the introduction of American tariffs, China intends to apply a tough response: restoring of 25% tariff on US-made vehicles and 5% tariff on auto parts. Fees for many goods will also be involved,  ranging from corn and wheat to small aircraft and rare-earth magnets.

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