Oil is on the way to new highs

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Oil is on the way to new highs

декабря, 26 2019
watermark Economic news

Oil prices continue their upward movement. Growth is supported by expectations of a Washington and Beijing trade deal, as well as data on a decrease in US inventories.

Futures for Brent crude this morning are trading at $67.40 per barrel. February quotes for WTI crude oil are $61.35 per barrel.

According to the American Petroleum Institute data (API), US commercial oil inventories fell 7.9 million barrels last week. API is a private company that receives information from refinery operators, oil storage facilities and pipelines on a voluntary basis. However, these statistics do not always coincide with official data from the US Department of Energy. This data will be released this week on Friday.

We also note that on Wednesday the market was closed in connection with the celebration of Catholic Christmas. The oil market continues to get support from the optimism about the trade agreement between the US and China. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin confirmed that an agreement with China will be signed soon.

Analysts note that oil prices are likely to change little over the next year, as OPEC+ actions to reduce production will be balanced by production growth in other countries, and the prospects for demand are still unclear. Experts predict a rise in oil prices in the middle of the year amid rising demand from developing countries and OPEC+ measures.

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