Eurozone investor sentiment jumps to the highest since November 2018

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Eurozone investor sentiment jumps to the highest since November 2018

января, 06 2020
watermark Economic news

According to Sentix Research Center, investor sentiment in the eurozone improved in January for the third month in a row. Moreover, the current mood indicator has reached the highest level since November 2018. According to experts, this was facilitated by positive economic news from Asia and the easing of tension in trade relations between the United States and China.

So, the Sentix index, which measures investor confidence in the eurozone, jumped from 0.7 points in December to 7.6 points in January. The results of the study, during which 932 investors were interviewed, reflected the absence of risks of a recession in the European economy.

In addition, today's IHS Markit data showed that the euro area business activity index (PMI) in December rose to a maximum of four months (up to 50.9 points).

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