Italy has become the epicenter of the spread of Chinese coronavirus

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Italy has become the epicenter of the spread of Chinese coronavirus

февраля, 25 2020
watermark Economic news

Italy warned the EU that it could require substantial assistance if the unexpected spread of coronavirus in the country's industrial regions would have serious negative consequences for the economy.

On Monday, it became known about 8 cases of death from a coronavirus in Italy, the number of people infected in the country rose to 231. Most cases of infection were recorded in the northern regions of the country, which together account for about a third of Italy's GDP and about half of Italian exports.

Schools and universities have already been closed in these regions, and mass events, including the Venice Carnival, have been suspended.

Italian Deputy Economy Minister Laura Castelli said that the EU needs to be prepared to come to Italy’s rescue if the country faces an economic shock as a result of the effects of coronavirus. Analysts suggest that the economic consequences of the spread of coronavirus can be significant. According to estimates of the Bank of Italy, the epidemic factor will subtract 0.2 percentage points from the country's GDP growth rate in 2020.

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