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UN: pandemic will reduce world production by $ 8.5 trillion

мая, 14 2020
watermark Economic news

According to the forecast of the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the global economy will fall due to a coronavirus pandemic of approximately 3.2%, or about $ 8.5 trillion over the next two years. This can destroy almost all the achievements of the previous four years.

According to experts of the department, GDP growth in developed countries in 2020 will be reduced to -5%. A modest increase of 3.4% is expected in 2021, but experts are not sure that this will be enough to compensate for the lost production volumes.

In addition, global trade is expected to decline by 2020 at 15% amid a sharp drop in demand and disruptions in global supply chains. Analysts say that more than 90% of the global economy was blocked in one form or another, which led to a decrease in consumer demand and an unprecedented increase in unemployment.

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