Italian economy experienced the strongest GDP decline in history in Q1

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Italian economy experienced the strongest GDP decline in history in Q1

мая, 29 2020
watermark Economic news

According to the final data of the statistical agency Istat, the Italian economy in the first quarter of 2020 decreased by 5.3% in quarterly terms and by 5.4% in annual terms. This was the largest drop in GDP since the start of statistics in 1996.

Preliminary data indicated an economic contraction of 4.7% in quarterly terms and 4.8% in annual terms.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, Italian GDP fell by 0.2% compared to the previous quarter, and not by 0.3%, as previously reported.

Consumer spending in Italy in January-March fell by 6.6% in quarterly terms, business investment fell by 8.1%, government spending fell by 0.3%. The volume of imports and exports decreased by 6.2% and 8% respectively compared to the previous quarter.

In recent weeks, the spread of Covid-19 disease and the number of people dying from it have been rapidly falling in Italy. The country is gradually loosening quarantine restrictions.

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