Egypt launched an oil well at 123 thousand barrels per month

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Egypt launched an oil well at 123 thousand barrels per month

июня, 03 2020
watermark Economic news

Egypt has commissioned a new well in the Western Desert, capable of producing more than 0.5 million cubic meters of natural gas and more than 4 thousand barrels of oil per day. The production capacity of the new well will be approximately 123 thousand barrels of oil per month.

A 4.4-kilometer well is located in the Abu Sinan area in western Egypt.

Earlier in December, Egyptian authorities already announced the commissioning of another well, located in the same area and capable of producing up to 7 thousand barrels of oil per day and about 280 thousand cubic meters of gas. The Egyptian Oil Ministry notes that oil production in the Western Desert fields is about 60% of the country's total production.

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