US annual inflation slows to 0.1% in May

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US annual inflation slows to 0.1% in May

июня, 10 2020
watermark Economic news

According to the US Department of Labor, consumer prices in May rose 0.1% on an annualized basis, and a monthly deflation of 0.1% was recorded. Analysts had forecast inflation at an annualized rate of 0.2%, and monthly inflation – at 0.1%.

In April, consumer prices in the country fell by 0.8% in monthly terms and rose by 0.3% in annual terms.

Core inflation in the United States (excluding food and energy prices) in May year on year amounted to 1.2%, which was lower than analysts' forecasts of 1.3%. In monthly terms, a deflation of 0.1% was recorded, which coincided with analysts' forecasts.

Food prices in the USA in May in monthly terms increased by 0.7%, while energy prices decreased by 1.8%. On an annualized basis, foodstuffs rose in price in the reporting month by 4%, while energy prices fell by 33.2%.

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