Gold rises in price on increasing geopolitical risks

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Gold rises in price on increasing geopolitical risks

августа, 04 2020
watermark Economic news

On Tuesday evening, the price of gold started to rise sharply, reaching $ 2.001 per troy ounce. The growth driver was fears of further deterioration in relations between the United States and China.

Market participants continue to follow the news around the TikTok app, owned by the Chinese company ByteDance. Earlier, it became known that US President Donald Trump announced plans to ban TikTok on the grounds that this Chinese company, by law, must transfer user data to the PRC authorities.

Trump's actions are forcing TikTok to sell its US assets to an American company, which was seen by the Chinese authorities as another provocation and led to increased tensions between the two countries.

As a result, market players prefer to ditch risky assets in favor of safer ones, which traditionally include gold.

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