European stock indices went up

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European stock indices went up

августа, 26 2020
watermark Economic news

The European trading session began extremely cautiously, as market participants are awaiting the results of tomorrow's speech by US Federal Reserve Chairman D. Powell and are still afraid of a second wave of coronavirus in October-November.

However, Germany's DAX traded 0.46% higher at 13.122.05, France's CAC 40 rose 0.35% to 5.026.39, and Britain's FTSE rose 0.02% to 6.038.56.

In Europe, there are signs of a renewed wave of Covid-19 diseases. Quarantine restrictions were tightened in Marseille, France yesterday to combat the outbreak. Germany is also worried about the new outlook, with the parties of Germany's ruling coalition agreeing to extend economic stimulus and mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis. The new package of assistance measures may amount to 10 billion euros. And the French government intends to unveil its economic recovery plan in early September.

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