The number of unemployed in Germany fell by 9 thousand

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The number of unemployed in Germany fell by 9 thousand

сентября, 01 2020
watermark Economic news

According to the Federal Agency for Employment of Germany, the number of unemployed in Germany in August 2020 decreased by 9 thousand, to 2.915 million people. Unemployment remained unchanged at 6.4%, the highest since August 2015.

Experts on average predicted an increase in the number of unemployed per 1,000 people and the preservation of unemployment at the same level.

In July, according to revised data, the number of unemployed in Germany fell by 17 thousand, and not 18 thousand, as previously reported. The agency also reported that 170,000 applications were received from companies in August to transfer employees to part-time jobs.

The number of part-time workers in Germany fell to 5.36 million in June, compared with 5.82 million in May and 5.98 million in April.

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