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Johnson urges Britons to prepare for tough Brexit option

октября, 16 2020
watermark Economic news

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said today that it is time for the country to prepare for a «tough» scenario for completing the Brexit process, since the negotiation process with the European Union is not yielding results.

As you know, on January 1, the transitional period ends, after which the parties must agree on the principles of further trade relations. However, given the lack of progress in negotiations between London and Brussels, it is highly likely that the interaction between Britain and the EU will follow the «Australian» scenario.

This means that, as in the case of Australia, London will have to abandon various forms of privileged partnership and move to «simple principles based on global free trade».

Johnson also noted that the EU summit, continuing today in Brussels, also does not inspire him with optimism about further negotiations on Brexit.

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