Bitcoin rate has renewed its all-time high, exceeding $41 thousand

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Bitcoin rate has renewed its all-time high, exceeding $41 thousand

января, 08 2021
watermark Economic news

Bitcoin continues to reach new heights. Today, the cryptocurrency has set a historic record, surpassing the $41 thousand mark.

On the largest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of trading volume, Binance, the value of bitcoin increased by 9.85%, reaching $40,602. Later, the price of bitcoin reached $41,057, thereby updating its historical maximum. Recall that bitcoin began to rise in price in mid-December, exceeding the level of $20 thousand.

Many analysts predict a bright future for cryptocurrency. Analysts at JPMorgan Bank suggest that the value of the virtual currency could reach $146,000. Some experts even argue that cryptocurrency will gradually be able to supplant gold as a safe asset.

The rise in the price of bitcoin is largely due to the coronavirus pandemic and the uncertainty in the global economy. However, no one can say what will happen to the cryptocurrency in the near future, since this digital asset has always demonstrated high volatility.

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