Biden considers Nord Stream-2 a bad deal for Europe

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Biden considers Nord Stream-2 a bad deal for Europe

января, 27 2021
watermark Economic news

US President Joe Biden said that he considers the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project a bad deal for Europe and intends to revise the restrictions adopted by Congress under Donald Trump.

These sanctions were included in the US annual defense budget (NDAA) and, according to them, the restrictions apply to any company that helps Gazprom lay a pipeline, insure ships, certify and repair equipment. The Trump administration has argued that the project will strengthen the economic and political influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin in Europe.

The new president is also opposed to further construction of the gas pipeline. Perhaps the new restrictions will be even stricter. As a reminder, at present Russia has resumed the implementation of Nord Stream 2 after foreign pipelayers left the project due to the threat of US sanctions.

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