Elon Musk once again contributed to the historical growth of bitcoin

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Elon Musk once again contributed to the historical growth of bitcoin

февраля, 09 2021
watermark Economic news

The cost of bitcoin for the first time exceeded the $48 thousand mark today. The rapid growth was noted after Tesla's announcement of the acquisition of cryptocurrency for $1.5 billion (1.2 billion euros) and its readiness to continue to accept it as payment for electric vehicles. The increase since the beginning of the year was about 61%, and since the beginning of the day – by 2.5%.

Investors expect BlackRock Inc. to join the list of companies that invest in or own Bitcoin soon. Is an international investment corporation and American tech giant Square Inc.

The systematic growth of bitcoin began in the fall of 2020, it remained until mid-January 2021. After the cryptocurrency reached a record high of $40 thousand, the rate began to gradually fall and stayed in the region of $30-35.

Analysts do not have a general prediction of what will happen with Bitcoin next. Some believe that the cryptocurrency was overvalued at the level of the exchange rate of $30 thousand, while others predict growth up to several hundred thousand dollars.

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