US Senate acquits Trump at impeachment trial

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US Senate acquits Trump at impeachment trial

февраля, 15 2021
watermark Economic news

The Senate of the US Congress, during its meeting, acquitted former President Donald Trump in the framework of impeachment. Trump is known to have been charged with inciting a crowd to attack the Capitol last month.

57 senators voted for impeachment, while 43 voted against. 67 votes out of 100 were required for the indictment. Thus, the initiative did not receive the required number of votes. Earlier, many Americans (54% of respondents) said that Trump should stop participating in the country's political life.

The second process of impeachment against the former head of the White House began in the Senate on February 9. It was the first time in the United States that an attempt to remove a state leader from office after the end of the presidential term was made. 

The first attempt at impeachment was made back in 2019, but the Senate acquitted the president in early 2020. Then the investigation was launched in connection with the statement of an anonymous informant that President Trump in July 2019 put pressure on President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his own personal and political interests.

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