Bitcoin capitalization approached $1 trillion

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Bitcoin capitalization approached $1 trillion

февраля, 19 2021
watermark Economic news

The bitcoin rate continues to update historical highs, and the cryptocurrency capitalization is approaching $1 trillion. According to the trading data, on Friday, the bitcoin rate rose to $53,250.

The capitalization of the digital currency since the beginning of 2021 has grown by almost $440 billion and, according to experts, is $979.9 billion.At the same time, the index of four cryptocurrencies calculated by Bloomberg (Galaxy Crypto Index), which includes bitcoin, has more than doubled this year.

Such a rapid rise in the value of cryptocurrency is caused by the high interest in it from institutional investors, as well as companies that consider cryptocurrency as a hedge against inflation risks. An additional factor in the price hike is the periodic mentions of #bitcoin by Tesla CEO Elon Musk on his Twitter account.

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