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China talks about the impasse in relations with the United States

июля, 26 2021
watermark Economic news

Xie Feng, Deputy Foreign Minister of the People's Republic of China, said that US-China relations are at an impasse because the US views China as an «imaginary adversary.» He called on the United States to stop the «dangerous» policy of countering China.

Feng stressed that the American side is open to cooperation only when it needs it, and goes to confrontation when it feels its advantage. China, on the other hand, calls for solidarity, willing to cooperate with the United States, regardless of differences, and on the basis of peaceful coexistence.

The Chinese deputy foreign minister also recalled that Washington was the first to resort to sanctions and interference in the internal affairs of other countries. In response, on July 23, China imposed sanctions on former US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and six other high-ranking Americans.

At the same time, the United States stated that the PRC sanctions will not stop the United States, and the American government is ready to continue the policy of restrictions against Beijing.

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