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Sweden’s first female Prime Minister resigned hours after appointment

ноября, 25 2021
watermark Economic news

Magdalena Anderson became the first female Prime Minister in the history of Sweden. However, the newly elected prime minister resigned just a few hours after she was elected in a parliamentary vote.

The reason for the resignation was the decision of the Greens to withdraw from the coalition with the Social Democrats, the Anderson party. The decision of the Greens, in turn, was caused by the refusal of the parliament to approve the budget proposed by the government of the country. It is noted that the budget was rejected in favor of the opposition option, which includes the nationalist and right-wing populist party «Swedish Democrats».

At a press conference, Anderson said: «I don't want to lead a government where there may be grounds to question its legitimacy.» At the same time, the politician noted that she is ready to lead a one-party government in which only her Social Democratic Workers' Party will be represented.

Now a new round of negotiations with party leaders will begin in parliament, which may again lead to the nomination of Anderson at the next vote. Analysts note that her chances of returning as prime minister are quite high. 

The Greens and the Left Party are again ready to support her candidacy, and the Center Party promised to abstain from voting, which in practice means support. Despite the differences on the budget issue, the three parties are ready to unite in an effort to prevent the «Swedish Democrats» from coming to power.

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